Hair Loss Advice


Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Loss Treatment for Men

5% Minoxidil, hair regrowth treatment for men, extra strength.

Rogaine® Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men, Extra Strength 


Introduction | Rogaine | Clinical Results | FAQ

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Will Rogaine help me keep the hair I have and prevent further hair loss?

    A: In clinical studies, four out of five users claimed Rogaine helped slow or stop their hair loss.

    Q: How soon can I expect results by using Rogaine?

    A: Since normal hair grows only 1/2 to 1 inch per month, hair regrowth with Rogaine also takes some time. 

    Continued use of Rogaine twice a day for at least four months is usually needed before you notice hair regrowth. 

    If you do not see any response to Rogaine after four months, stop using Rogaine and see your doctor.

    Q: Can I use hair sprays, mousses, gels, conditioners, and such?

    A: Hair sprays, spritzes or styling aids can be used on hair while using Rogaine.

    Simply apply Rogaine first and wait for it to dry before applying any styling aids.

    Q: Does Rogaine work on frontal baldness?

    A: We have not widely studied frontal hair growth in men to-date. Therefore, the success rate of using Rogaine for frontal baldness has not been clearly established.

    However, Rogaine has been clinically proven to be safe for topical application to the scalp.

    Q: Should I try Rogaine even though I am not experiencing hereditary hair loss?

    A: Rogaine should only be used if you are experiencing hereditary hair loss.

    If you are losing your hair for any other reason, we recommend that you consult with your doctor.

    Q: What is the dosage?

    A: You should apply a dose (1ml) of Rogaine directly to the scalp in the hair loss area twice daily; for example, once in the morning and once at night.

    The night-time application should occur 2-4 hours before bed to allow for drying. Each bottle should last about 25-30 days, if used as directed.

    Each applicator contains one dose. It is not necessary to use fingertips. However, if you use your hands, wash them afterwards.

    Thousands of people have made using Rogaine a part of their everyday routine. It takes just minutes a day.

    Q: What happens if I get new hair regrowth and I stop using Rogaine?

    A: Continuous use of Rogaine is needed to maintain hair regrowth.

    If you stop using Rogaine, the normal hair loss process will start again. You will probably lose your newly regrown hair in three to four months.

    Q: Can I have my hair colored or permed while using Rogaine?

    A: We have no evidence that coloring or perming hair or use of hair relaxers interferes in any way with the effectiveness of Rogaine. However, to avoid possible scalp irritation, you should make sure all of the Rogaine has been washed off of the hair and scalp before using these chemicals.

    Q: Are the fingertips used when apply Rogaine and, if so, how much rubbing is required?

    A: Each applicator contains one dose of medicine and is designed for application directly to the scalp. It is not necessary to use the fingertips to apply Rogaine. However, if you use your hands, wash them afterwards.

    Q: Are there special instructions for washing my hair?

    A: Yes. Be sure that after using a mild shampoo, like Progaine, you at least towel dry your hair.

    You don't want the hair and scalp to be too wet or the solution may run off of the scalp.


Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Loss Treatment for Men

5% Minoxidil, hair regrowth treatment for men, extra strength.

Rogaine® Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men, Extra Strength 


Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Loss Treatment for Men