Hair Loss News


Hair Loss News Archives

September 2005

Homoeopathy offers cure for hair loss


Healthy hair is a source of pleasure and confidence not only to the bearer but also to the onlooker. Healthy hair promises a lot in this new and upcoming era where first impression often works wonders.

Human hair, more than being a thing of beauty, serves various psychological, physiological and structural functions to accentuate one’s personality.

In recent years, hair care and remedies for hair loss have come to assume great proportions resulting in painful and expensive procedures including hair transplantation.

Dr Reji Nicholas, BHMS, MD, (Member of Trichological Society, Hair Scientists UK) claims that regaining and retaining your hair is not so painful and expensive after all. It is not common knowledge that hair goes through three phases in its life span.

A growing phase of about three years (Anagon), a resting phase of a month (Catogen) and a falling phase of approximately three months (Telogen). It is only when hair loss persists and exceeds the normal percentage of falling hair that you require treatment.

This condition is caused by certain internal imbalances in the body, which pushes the growing hair permanently into the falling phase.
Dr Reji Nicholas is available for consultation and treatment at Al Kawakeb Ayurvedic & Hair Lossopathic Clinic, Al Ghubra, from September 29 to October 1.

According to Dr Reji, we often start to worry three months after the actual cause has occurred.

Through extensive research and repeatedly proven results, Dr Reji provides a new answer to your problems regarding different types of hair loss, especially in women of all age groups.

The answer, of course, is easy to follow Hair Lossopathic medication involving no side-effects, food restrictions or painful procedures.

This solution covers various common varieties of hair loss like (1) Male Pattern Allopecia (2) Female Allopecia Diffusa (3) Alopecia Areata (4) Tricotillomania (5) Telogen effluvium and (6) Monolethrix.

The reasons for hair loss in general can be stress, debilitatary illness, malnutrition, continuous intake of antibiotics, mismanagement of hair, cancer treatment, (chemo therapy and radio therapy) and dandruff.

Apart from the above-mentioned causes, hair loss in females can be triggered off by hormonal fluctuations, menopausal age, oral contraceptives and anaemia.

Hair loss in circular patches (Alopecia Areata), which occur over scalp, beard, mustache, and hair bearing areas all over the body, is another common cause for concern.

Contributing factors are stress, familial tendency, pre-hypertensive conditions and recurrent infections like allergic rhinitis and chronic asthma.

Irrespective of the cause or the kind of hair loss, Dr Reji Nicholas assures results, with his Hair Lossopathic medication. The only pre-requisite is the presence of hair follicles that can be rejuvenated to regain lost hair. In male pattern baldness, however, the age factor is important.

After the age of 40, men can only retain hair that is present. Again Dr Reji stresses that in females, age is not a criteria for hair growth. He assures full healthy hair growth even in cases of Alopecia Areata if the patient has not undergone any kind of intra dermal injections, which leads to hypertrophied scar.