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Hair Loss News Archives

June 2005

Having a Bad Hair Day? If You Smoke, There's Something You Can Do About It

A stop smoking Web site releases two articles about how the smoking habit and the quit smoking method people use can affect the health of their scalp and hair.

It finds links to conditions that may be "under the radar" of hair care professionals, beauticians, doctors and the smokers themselves.

June 2005

It might seem inconceivable, but there is a connection between the smoking habit and the condition of the hair, ranging from dandruff to actual hair loss! The System 12: Smoke Free Web site has just released two articles advising readers and smokers about this connection and what they can do about it.

Everybody has a "bad hair" day. Environment influences the condition of the hair-- and more-- so does lifestyle. People spend lots of money on hair care products but they don’t always find and treat the real cause of some of their hair problems. One area to look at is the relationship between hair care and smoking.

In the article: "Dandruff and Smoking", the System 12 Smoke Free Web site explains how the connection between dandruff and smoking comes from the dehydrating factor of the smoking habit.

The scalp is part of the skin, the largest organ in the body. As the article explains, the smoking habit affects the skin as much as any other organ. This can give smokers who want to have a healthy appearance even more incentive to stop smoking.

While many smokers may spend a lot of time and money on specialized hair care, they may not be aware of the dry scalp condition that is related to smoking. It might not even occur to their hair care professional, beautician or hair salon.

HOW people stop smoking is just as important as quitting itself. The second article at the System 12: Smoke Free Web site, "Hair Loss and Quitting Smoking", explains why.

There is risk of severe stress and the condition "Telogen Effluvium". This condition is marked by a reduction in hair, a thinning directly related to stress. The article explains how the method one uses to quit smoking-- how stressful it might be-- must also be considered.

Many stop smoking solutions use different physical methods to deal with nicotine addiction. There is much more to the smoking habit, as many smokers who have tried to quit-- and failed-- report. It is the mental addiction to smoking, or the smoking lifestyle.

If this is not properly addressed, the Web site article explains, the result can be greatly increased stress, and the possible onset of "Telogen Effluvium". The article adds that a solution is a two-tiered approach, adding the important mental stress reduction.

The System 12: Smoke Free Web site is focused on an innovative stop smoking solution that runs on a PC from an interactive multimedia CD-ROM.

Developed with the guidance of a hypnotherapist, the program helps a smoker reduce or quit smoking with little or no stress by instilling a gentle and relaxing mind change from that of a smoker to one who is smoke free. It has the benefit of addressing the mental aspect of smoking, where 90% of the habit resides.