Hair Loss News


Hair Loss News Archives

October 2004

The Roots of the 'Baldy City' Ranking

Corpus Christi's been rated the baldest city by Men's Health magazine.

Shocked?  Some are, some aren't.

Dr. Osvaldo Brusco, endocrinologist, "Very high levels of testosterone can certainly increase the prevalence of baldness."

As Dr. Brusco explains, testosterone works a bit differently on the body when there's an excess amount of it.

"That would specifically block this enzyme, therefore we would have less of a local level on the scalp less of a concentration of this androgene," Brusco says.

This makes it less likely for hair follicles to try and grow, but too much testosterone may not be the only problem. Stress can inhibit hair growth and cause other health-related problems too.

He says, "It can be high blood pressure or it can be high blood sugars, diabetes."

So Dr. Brusco suggests to get off the couch, turn off the T.V. and go for a walk. Otherwise you may instigating some more unhealthy problems.

"Changing your diet in a more healthy way and decreasing the total daily amount of calories," he advises.

Remember, eating and living healthy lifestyle can prevent diseases. Those diseases are inhibitors, which you need medication for...or radiation and then in the long-run can cause balding just as much as inheriting the gene from your parents.