Hair Loss News


Hair Loss News Archives

September 2013

The Undeniable Rise of Hair Transplantation with PRP Therapy

Longevita reports increasing demand for hair transplantation with Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) therapy which stimulates hair growth, promotes healing as well as accelerates the rate and degree of regeneration.

Hair loss affects millions around the world and can be an emotional problem for many if not treated. Every month, thousands come to Turkey for hair transplantation to benefit from affordable prices, high quality hospitals, talented and experienced surgeons.

Hair transplantation involves moving individual hair follicles from one part of the scalp (the donor site) to bald or balding parts (the recipient site).

Latest techniques can achieve this through Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), free from pain and stitches offering faster healing period.

Patients may watch DVDs or listen to the music while undergoing surgery under local anaesthesia and can get back to their daily routine two days after the procedure.

“Most people lose their hair due to inheritance. Medical problems, stress, drugs or infections can also trigger hair loss. Our surgeons first identify the reason behind hair loss and then decide whether the patient is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. We do not charge for consultation, our patients can do free video consultations with our doctors anytime at their convenience,” said Mustafa Temiz, Marketing and Business Development Manager of Longevita.

Longevita, trustworthy provider of medical treatments abroad, launched a new medical travel package for hair transplantation with unlimited grafts and PRP therapy for patients seeking hair transplantation in Turkey.

Mustafa Temiz stated the following in regards to Longevita’s new medical travel package:

“The number of hair grafts required for a successful surgery has always been an ambiguous matter for patients as they do not know exactly how many hair grafts they need to completely cover their balding areas. In addition, they cannot count or estimate accurately the number of hairs transplanted.

In Longevita’s unlimited grafts campaign, however, patients no longer need to worry about the number of grafts. Our package includes hair transplantation with the maximum number of grafts the donor sites can possibly provide, PRP therapy, airport transfers, accommodation, English speaking host and meals. Longevita’s all inclusive package is fixed at €1,650.

We started the campaign two weeks ago. We are already getting a lot of interest from all over the world. Patients can pay a small deposit in September to book their treatment for anytime in 2013.”

Dr. Ozan Balik, Longevita's specialist surgeon on hair transplantation, stated that the key success factor of a hair transplantation procedure with the FUE technique is to maintain the quality of hair follicles after extraction from the donor sites.

PRP is getting more and more popular recently because it helps rejuvenating the hair grafts after extraction. PRP is used to stimulate hair growth, promote healing and accelerate the rate and degree of regeneration. It is prepared by taking the patient’s own blood into a tube and spinning down their blood cells to a high concentration.

The extracted grafts from the patient’s scalp are bathed in the PRP solution before transplantation. Research indicates that bathing the donor hair follicles in activated PRP prior to transplantation improves follicle viability during and after transplantation. It also enhances post-transplantation tissue healing and promotes hair growth in transplanted follicles.

Dr. Resat Altug Aktas, another hair transplant specialist surgeon at Longevita, stated that the most frequently asked question about hair transplantation is the time it would take for the transplanted hair to grow.

Even though it varies from patient to patient, the transplanted hair will fall in the first month. Then in 3 months, the patient will see the new transplanted hair growing on their scalp. In 6 to 12 months, the patient will see the final result of the procedure.

Therefore, hair transplantation patients need some patience before seeing the final results, so they should not worry in the first couple of weeks after surgery when they start losing their newly transplanted hair.

Hair transplantation is rising in popularity in Turkey. Last year only, the sector generated almost $1 billion in fees according to data from a 2012 report by the Ministry of Health. Patients prefer Turkey for its high quality medical centers and experienced surgeons.

They also find its beautiful Mediterranean and Aegean coasts and rich cuisine as attraction points.

Longevita Case Manager, Ozge Kaymak stated the following on the topic:

“People generally think that only men lose their hair but in fact women may have hair loss as often as men do and Longevita have women patients from different parts of world. Hair loss affects women’s social life much more deeply than men’s.

According to our patient satisfaction forms, our women patients are quite happy with their results as well.”

About Longevita

Longevita is Turkey’s leading medical travel company with a footprint across 20 private hospitals in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya. Longevita has the largest portfolio of specialist doctors among all medical travel companies in Turkey.

Registered with the Companies House in the UK (Registration No: 8332394) and the Chamber of Commerce in Turkey (Registration No: 162414), Longevita is in full compliance with the rules and the regulations of dealing with international patients. Visit for more information about Longevita.
